"ScrewDrive 150" model destacker

  • up to 150 trays per minute.
  • when assigned to a synchronized chain, up to 100 trays per minute.
  • a special pressure release function gives this system a comparatively high tray buffer.
  • modular construction - other tray formats are available with exchangeable racks
  • systems can be moved on rollers


This destacking system features electro-pneumatic operation. A custom screw drive pulls trays from the stack and lets them fall onto a conveyor belt running below. The machine is fitted with thin guide rails to prevent the trays twisting or falling. A pneumatic clamping system ensures the stack remains under a constant contact pressure. Using a clock generator, trays can be singled out into a perfectly synchronized carrier chain. This machine is very compact and and can be easily refilled from three sides. The frame allows for quick height adjustments, so that different kinds of trays can be destacked on the same machine. This separation method is suitable for rapid destacking.